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A to Z of New Zealand Law - New Numbering System


The A to Z of New Zealand Law is made up of an ever-evolving number of specialised topics, with content now available under 37 of 64 major topic areas. To improve overall consistency and enhance usability of the product, we are introducing a new topic-based numbering system across the...

Date & Time

Westlaw NZ June Release Notice

Release updates

We are pleased to confirm with you details of the upcoming Westlaw release scheduled for the 28th of June at 12am (NZST).

Date & Time

Westlaw ANZ - New Sign on option for academics

We are introducing single sign on (SAML) access for academic institutes and will be adding a new sign-on button for academic users.

This will be implemented over the next couple of weeks. There will be no changes in the way you access Westlaw, please continue to use the service and...

Date & Time

Infinity Law Infrastructure Installation & Support Guide

You can view our full installation and support guide by downloading the PDF below.

LINX & New Zealand Legal Writing Index on Westlaw NZ

Technical Issues and Fault Notifications

We have identified a few issues with displaying some content on Westlaw NZ and we are currently investigating them as a matter of urgency.


We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. 


To see an example of these issues, please click here. 



Date & Time

Westlaw NZ Case Update 2

Technical Issues and Fault Notifications

We have been undertaking a refresh of all case records to improve the case research experience and performance on Westlaw. Click here to see the previous communication.

The expected completion date for this reprocessing activity was initially set for the end of February but it is...

Date & Time

Westlaw NZ Guide - Benefits of SAML Single Sign On

This guide lists the benefits of using SAML Single Sign on to access Westlaw New Zealand.

The benefits including setting preferences, saving content to folders, annotating documents, creating email alerts and creating short cuts to frequently used content, all without requiring a username and password.



Westlaw NZ Guide - Benefits of using a OnePass Login

This guide lists the benefits of using Westlaw New Zealand with a OnePass login including setting preferences, saving content to folders, annotating documents, creating email alerts and creating short cuts to frequently used content


Will the Thomson Reuters Drafting Aide for Westlaw NZ precedents work if my servers are all cloud-based?

No, the Drafting Aide is not usually compatible in this situation.  As a work-around, some users have the drafting aide installed on a non-cloud-based server.  They complete their document with the drafting aide, then copy and save their finalised document into their cloud-server.  


All the precedent documents are still available, and you can still download them to Word – you’ll just need to complete the variables manually.


Tip:  If you are using Dragon Dictate, you can jump from one variable to another quickly by commanding Dragon to jump to the next square bracket.


Customers who are using Action Step will also be unable to use the drafting aide unless it is loaded on a separate computer.


Contact our Techcare Team if you need help installing the drafting aide or need further information 0800 10 60 25

Use our "Ask a Trainer" service by emailing