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Westlaw Classic - How to share your research and use the Find & Print tool

This guide explains how to print, email, and share your research, including how to download content such as cases by citation quickly using the "Find & Print" tool in Westlaw Classic.


Westlaw Classic - Searching with Boolean Terms & Connectors

This guide provides help on searching with Boolean Terms & Connectors.

When you type a search in the text box at the Westlaw Classic, special rules govern which searches are processed as Boolean Terms and Connectors searches. A search is processed as a Terms and Connectors search if it includes a grammatical, numerical, or BUT NOT connector; a root expander or universal character; or a field restriction.


Westlaw Classic - Getting Started Guide

This guide provides an introduction to Westlaw Classic.



Westlaw Classic - Deep Link Guide & List

This guide provides a list of Common Deep Links and a guide to creating Deep Links.



Westlaw Classic - Alert Centre Guide

This guide provides information relating to the creation and management of Alerts and Newsletters in Westlaw Classic.



How do I sign in to Checkpoint?

Go to and enter your OnePass credentials.

For IP users, simply click “IP users sign in” in the top right hand corner of the login window.

I'm unsure if I have OnePass access. What do I do?

On the OnePass 'Sign In' screen,, click ‘Forgot Username?'.

The system will prompt you to enter your email address and click 'Continue'. You will be sent an email containing your user name if your email is linked to an existing OnePass profile.

To access Checkpoint, you will be required to register the registration key to your OnePass profile. If you don’t have a registration key to link to your OnePass, please contact our Support team;

Phone: 0800 10 60 25
Mon-Fri, 8:45am-5:15pm (NZST)

What is OnePass?

Onepass is Thomson Reuters secure login tool which allows access to our online services such as Checkpoint Australia, Checkpoint New Zealand, Proview, Westlaw and Checkpoint World. 

Your OnePass profile links all your Thomson Reuters services to provide a single sign on solution, i.e., one username & password to access all their Thomson Reuters services.

If you have questions or run into issues using OnePass, contact our Support team for assistance on 0800 10 60 25 or

Forgotten username or password?

On the OnePass 'Sign In' screen,, click ‘Forgot Username?' or 'Forgot password?’.

The system will prompt you to enter your email address and click 'Continue'. You will be sent an email containing your user name or an email with a link to change your password.