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How long do I have access to my Thomson Reuters ProView title for - will it disappear once a new edition is published?

No, your purchased Thomson Reuters ProView title will not disappear. You will continue to have access to every Thomson Reuters ProView title you have purchased.

Can I use ProView in Incognito/Privacy mode of my browser?

Whilst ProView will work with in incognita mode, it does have some limitations, so we don’t recommend this browser mode. For features such as download for offline use, ProView relies on storing files in your browser download cache. Incognito mode will limit this action.

Can a SSO user download a title for offline use?

Yes. The user needs to download the ProView title by accessing via their organisations SSO link. Navigate to the title in the library and select the download option from the three dots button next to the title. Create an offline password when prompted and the download will commence. When the user is offline, they can access that title not by using their SSO link but the standard URL for ProView -

Can I create deep links to specific titles as a Single Sign On (SSO) user?

At this stage creating deep links for SSO is not possible.

How do I access IP Personalisation?

Your orgnisation needs to request the ability to perosnalise the account. This can be done by contacting our team For organisations that have requested perosnalisation access, the individual user needs a OnePass account to personalise. Using the organisations IP link, the user selects Sign in using OnePass under the Account option at the top right of the ProView site. The user will need to sign in or register for OnePass to access personalisation features.

How do I access features such as bookmarks, annotations and downloading titles for offline use with IP access?

To access these features the user needs to utilise IP Personalisation access.

I have an IP firmwide authenticated account.  What does the change in URL mean for me?

While access via IP authentication will continue after the launch of the new browser version and your old IP access links, including deep linking, will redirect to the new location, Thomson Reuters is in the process of replacing IP authentication with more secure and functional options including Single Sign On and OnePass. To find out the best option for your organisation contact

What is IP access ProView?

IP access ProView allows individuals from an organsiation that are on the designated IP range of the organsiation to gain access to the library of ProView titles that the organisation has purchased from Thomson Reuters.

How can I see ProView citations in new Westlaw?

Viewing the citations in Westlaw is as simple as clicking the link within ProView (subject to your subscription to the Westlaw practice area) and a new browser will open at the appropriate section of Westlaw.  While the majority of cases cited in ProView will be held in new Westlaw, there are a few instances of citations to some journals/reports that are not available in any Westlaw platform.