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Supreme Court of New Zealand - recent judgments: April 2022 (Westlaw NZ)

Content updates

A summary of decisions delivered in April 2022 by the Supreme Court, available on Westlaw NZ.

Date & Time

Supreme Court of New Zealand - recent judgments: April 2022 (new Westlaw (New Zealand))

Content updates

A summary of decisions delivered in April 2022 by the Supreme Court, available on Westlaw (New Zealand).

Date & Time

Can a person on legal aid be awarded costs — and if so, how much?

Content updates

As noted in Legal Services on Westlaw New Zealand, Peart v Chandra [2022] NZHC 665 confirms the default position that costs may be awarded to a legally aided party (who is successful against an unaided party) up to the lesser of (a) the total fees payable by the Legal Services...

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Can a person on legal aid be awarded costs — and if so, how much? (Westlaw NZ)

Content updates

As noted in Legal Services on Westlaw NZ, Peart v Chandra [2022] NZHC 665 confirms the default position that costs may be awarded to a legally aided party (who is successful against an unaided party) up to the lesser of (a) the total fees payable by the Legal Services Commissioner to...

Date & Time
Access your subscriptions on Westlaw New Zealand (2:08 min)

This video demonstrates how to access your subscriptions on Westlaw New Zealand and how to add and search them within your Favourites.

Advanced searching on Westlaw New Zealand (5:52 min)

Learn how to conduct advanced searches in Westlaw New Zealand by using the advanced search templates for different types of content: Cases, Legislation and Secondary Sources.

Case law,
Secondary Sources

Managing COVID, self-doubt, “imposter syndrome” and more: Mental health toolkit for lawyers

Content updates

Toolkit, Mental health and wellbeing for lawyers is a guide for users through Practical Law’s content that explores and addresses mental health and wellbeing issues in the legal industry and for legal professionals.

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