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Sorting reported case documents by citation

Date & Time

Westlaw New Zealand - Research Techniques

30 minutes
By Elizabeth Odom

This session focuses on efficient research techniques providing examples of different search strategies to find relevant content in Westlaw New Zealand.  This includes natural legal language and how to ask a legal question, the best way to structure a terms & connectors search...

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Westlaw New Zealand - Research Techniques

30 minutes
By Elizabeth Odom

This session focuses on efficient research techniques providing examples of different search strategies to find relevant content in Westlaw New Zealand.  This includes natural legal language and how to ask a legal question, the best way to structure a terms & connectors search...

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Westlaw New Zealand - Research Techniques

30 minutes
By Elizabeth Odom

This session focuses on efficient research techniques providing examples of different search strategies to find relevant content in Westlaw New Zealand.  This includes natural legal language and how to ask a legal question, the best way to structure a terms & connectors search...

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Westlaw New Zealand - Research Techniques

30 minutes
By Elizabeth Odom

This session focuses on efficient research techniques providing examples of different search strategies to find relevant content in Westlaw New Zealand.  This includes natural legal language and how to ask a legal question, the best way to structure a terms & connectors search...

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Supreme Court of New Zealand - recent judgments: November 2022

Content updates

A summary of decisions delivered in November 2022 by the Supreme Court, available on Westlaw New Zealand.

Date & Time

Further legal aid outcomes of Budget 2022 coming — eligibility, user charge and repayment amendments

Content updates

As noted in Legal Services on Westlaw New Zealand, legislative activity is under way to deliver further legal aid initiatives announced by the New Zealand Government in Budget 2022.

Date & Time

Family Law – Incapacity: two books to help the sector

Content updates

Well-known health and disability law specialist Iris Reuvecamp has not been with us that long, but she is certainly keeping us busy. We are very glad that she’s ours! She has just completed two Act and Analysis books for busy practitioners, providing them with clear, reliable and...

Date & Time