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New Westlaw (New Zealand) Pay Per View Pricing Guide

Click here to access Thomson Reuters Westlaw Pricing Guide in NZD


Creating a KeyCite Alert in Westlaw New Zealand (3:13 mins)

This video demonstrates how to set up a KeyCite alert so you can be notified if the status of a case changes.

Case law
How to find a case by citation in Westlaw New Zealand - (1:38 min)

This video demonstrates how to find a case by citation.

Case law,
Find and search legislation on Westlaw New Zealand (3:46 min)

This video demonstrates how to find and search legislation on the Westlaw New Zealand


Westlaw New Zealand - Search History

This document outlines how to locate and view History in Westlaw New Zealand.


History is an feature that provides an ability to browse over recent searches and document viewed when a user is logged into Westlaw New Zealand using a OnePass.

  1.  History is located at the top of every page as well as in the center of the Home page.  
  2. Click View this history to display a list of all searches run and documents viewed.  
  1. Click on the blue linked text in the list to go back to any document viewed or re-run any search, including entries for any filters applied and any “search within results”. 
  1. On the left-hand side of your History you can filter by date, type of event and search for a keyword or term in your History. 
  1. To print, download or email your history select the download icon located on the top right of the history. 

How do I access my subscriptions using Single Sign On?

There are two primary methods;

  1. Using a Single Sign On link;
  2. Using the "Access with Single Sign On" button

1. Using a Single Sign On link

Thomson Reuters platform links can be modified to flag Single Sign On Access, both for the platform itself and for deep links to content within the platform. This is done with relatively simple alterations to links, example below (where ### is a value unique to your organisation Thomson Reuters will provide you);



2. Using the "Access with Single Sign On" button

Sign In Page with SSO Option

Access to platforms with single sign on can be achieved by clicking the "Access with single sign-on" button on the bottom of the screen.

SSO Page

The user can then enter their organisation email or group ID (the group ID will be provided as part of setup), and their browser can be set to remember that information, and to always take them automatically to this screen.

I am in an Access Federation, can I use that login to access Thomson Reuters Products?


Thomson Reuters has partnered with several Access Federations to provide access to members.

These include;

  • OpenAthens
  • Australian Access Federation
  • Tuakiri Access Federation (New Zealand)

Is there an additional cost to implementing Single Sign On?


Single Sign On is a complimentary enhancement Thomson Reuters provides to all it's subscribers. There is no additional cost.