Westlaw NZ Tip – Comparative Tables
Last Published: September 14, 2018
Option 1 - Browse to Comparative Tables from the Westlaw NZ home page
- Westlaw NZ homepage is set to Practice Area in this example.
- Expand the Commentary Database where the Act will be located. For example: Property Law > Land Law > Land Transfer > Land Transfer Act 2017 (not yet in force)
- Find Comparative Tables and select the blue text to open

- If you wish to view this document regularly, create a quick link as follows:
Note that you will need to be logged into Westlaw NZ using your OnePass in order to create a quick link.

Option 2- Locate Comparative Tables from “Related Documents”
- From the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017, Select the Related Documents Tab.
- Scroll down to find the Comparative Tables link and open.

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